Stop here for this week’s health care news links from around the country.
Washington Post: ‘More people signed up for Obamacare in the last two days than all of October’
Politico: ‘Source: Enrollment surge on’
CNN Money: ‘Interactive Map ‘What you’ll pay for Obamacare’
CNN (via WISN): ‘Poll: Quarter of uninsured say they’ll pay ACA fine’
Associated Press: ‘Audit: Health care subsidies vulnerable to fraud’
Wall Street Journal: ‘Less than 30% of millennials will sign up for Obamacare, survey says’
New York Times: ‘Even With Website Fixes, Troubles Persist in Applying for Insurance’
The New Republic: ‘The Huge Obamacare Story You Aren’t Reading’
Kaiser Health News: ‘States Lead In Health Law Insurance Sign-Up Race’