Stop here for this week’s health care news links from across the country.
NBC News: ‘26,000 signed up through federal Obamacare website in first month, administration says’
Washington Post: ‘Troubled unlikely to work fully by end of November’
New York Times: ‘Insurers press for way around’
AP: ‘Medicaid is health overhaul’s early success story’
Politico: ‘Tensions escalate between Democrats, White House’
HHS: ‘3 tips to remember when you create a Marketplace account’
New York Times: ‘Rules to Require Equal Coverage for Mental Ills’
USA Today: ‘Clinton to Obama: Let Americans keep canceled health plans’
The Atlantic Cities: ‘How States Rejecting the Medicaid Expansion Sabotaged Their Biggest Cities’
The New Republic: ‘It’s Time to Start Worrying About Healthcare.Gov’s Backup Plans’