Marquette University has named Robert E. Bishop as Opus Dean of its College of Engineering. Bishop, who will take his post on July 1, is currently the Joe J. King Professor of Engineering, Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics at the University of Texas at Austin.
Bishop has 10 years experience in private industry, and his research in systems and controls has drawn more than $6.5 million in grants from NASA, the U.S. Air Force, Lockheed Martin, National Instruments and other agencies.
“I believe Dr. Bishop has the professional and academic experience, the administrative and fundraising expertise and the enthusiasm to build discovery learning into a permanent, sustainable concept in the College of Engineering – with the new building, endowed faculty chairs and an increasingly talented and diverse student body,” said John Pauly, Marquette’s provost.
Earlier this month, Marquette broke ground on its new $100 million Discovery Learning Complex, the future home for the College of Engineering. Bishop said the development of the new facility and Marquette’s policy of having engineers take liberal arts classes helped attract him to the campus.
“Engineering education and research are in transition,” he said. “We must address the world’s problems more directly. As we move from an information age to a creative age, we must educate engineers to think with both the left and right sides of their brains, to be problem solvers who understand the consequences of their work.”