Wallace C. Thiel
Village Administrator
General Contact Information:210 Cottonwood Ave., 53029, (262) 367-2714, (262) 367-2430 Fax
Comprehensive Plan: Land Use related planning elements were completed as of December, 2004. Other elements are in process. The complete “smart growth” plan should be completed sometime in 2008. An executive summary of the land use element is available.
Basic process of approval or denial of a development plan:
• 1st Concept Plan reviewed by staff
• 2nd Site Plan reviewed by Plan Commission. Meetings held on the third Monday of each month.
• 3rd Exterior architectural elements reviewed by Architectural Review Board. Meetings held on fourth Tuesday of every month.
• 4th Plans reviewed, approved or rejected by Village Board. Meetings held on second and fourth Monday of each month.
TIF districts: The Village will encourage the use of TIF, particularly when considering redevelopment. There is one closed out TIF, and there are two active TIFs.
TIF No. 1 Downtown Hartland Development closed out 1997
TIF No. 2 (1998) Business Park / Light Industrial Development located at the south edge of the Village and is projected to close in 2008; current value (2006): $59,142,700
TIF No. 3 (1998) Business Park / Light Industrial Development located at the south edge of the Village and is projected to close in 2008; current value (2006): $21,304,800.
Redevelopment Aid: Hartland encourages use of TIF, state, federal and county economic development incentives. The Village implemented a BID in 2007. The newly formed BID takes in the Village Center area as identified in our Comprehensive Land Use Plan.
Projects: The two most recent developments include 29,500 sq/ft. multi-tenant office facility and a 56,000 Sq/ft single-user mfg facility. Both are located in an existing TIF district.
Fee schedule:
1) Minimum Permit Fee for All Permits $35.00 (All building permit fees for construction of new residential or commercial buildings require an additional 5% surcharge fee)
2) Residence-One & Two family, accessory building and Garages $ .20/sq. ft. or fraction thereof
3) Residence & Apartments, Three Family Residences-Additions/Alterations 15/sq.ft. or fraction thereof
4) Local Business, Office Buildings or Additions Thereto $ .20/sq. ft. or fraction thereof
5) Manufacturing or Industrial (Office Areas to be Included Under Above Fees) $ .20/sq. ft. or fraction thereof
6) Permit to Start Construction of Footings and Foundations
a. Multi-family and Industrial/commercial $75.00
b. One and two-family $50.00
7) Agricultural Buildings, Detached Garages and Accessory Buildings $.08/sq. ft. or fraction thereof
8) All Other Buildings, Structures, Alterations, Residing, Reroofing, Repairs Where Square Footage Cannot be Calculated $6.00/$1,000 valuation or fraction thereof
9) Wrecking or Razing-Building Insp. May Waive Fee if Structure is Condemned $30.00 minimum plus $1.00/1,000 cu.ft.
10) Moving Buildings Over Public Ways $50.00 plus $1.50/1,000 cu.ft.
11) Fuel tanks $10.00/1,000 gal. For install.- $100.00 max/tank, removal, repairs or alterations.
12) Reinspections $30.00/inspection plan examination:
a. One & Two Family residence additions, alterations $50.00
b. Apartment, Multi-Family building $40.00 plus $5.00/unit
c. Commercial-Industrial, Alterations and Additions $60.00
d. Accessory Building, 240 sq. ft. or more $20.00
e. Decks, swimming pools $20.00
13) Special Inspections $100.00
14) Wisconsin Uniform Building Permit Seal $25.00
15) Occupancy Permit:
a. Residential $50.00/unit
b. Commercial & Industrial $50.00
c. Residential Refundable Occupancy $1,500.00
16) Pools-Inground/Above Ground Spas $5.00/$1,000 Valution, $30.00 Minimum, Decks $30.00; Fireplaces/Wood Burning Stove $30.00
17) LAND DISTURBANCE PERMITS Erosion Control Fees:
a) One and two-family $75.00
b) Multi-family $75.00/bldg. plus $5.00/1,000 s.f.
c) Commercial $150.00/bldg. plus $5.00/1,000 s.f.
d) Industrial $150.00/bldg. plus $5.00/1,000 s.f.
Note: Erosion control provisions must be in place and inspected prior to any ground disturbing activities.
DOUBLE FEES: Upon Failure to obtain a permit before work on a building or ground disturbance has been started, except in emergency cases, the total fee shall be doubled the fees charged.
Note: Permits shall be obtained individually in the categories of construction, heating, ventilation & air conditioning, electrical & plumbing.
Note: Gross square footage calculations are based on exterior dimensions, including garage and each finished floor level. Unfinished floor level. Unfinished basements or portions thereof are not included.
Note: In determining costs, all construction shall be included with the exception of heating, air conditioning, electrical or plumbing work.
Time Schedule for Plan Approval: The typical amount of time for the Village to approve a plan is about 45 to 60 days.
Building or Growth Moratoria: There are no building or growth moratoria in place now. However, there is little land still available.
Environmental Issues: A floodplain is sometimes an issue in downtown property development near Bank River. The Village has recently appealed the FEMA Floodplain determinations and FEMA has agreed to make corrections to their maps regarding the downtown area. This is very positive for future redevelopment in the downtown Business Improvement District (BID).
Single Development Department: There is not a single department that handles the entire process. The Zoning & Inspection, Public Works, Police, Fire, and Administrator’s Office are all relevant departments in the process.
Internet Connection:www.villageofhartland.com
– Full Municipal Code
– Meeting Schedules for various committees/ commissions including agendas and minutes
– Village Newsletters
– Downloadable Plan Commission & Building Inspection Applications & Fees Forms
– Municipal Map
– Events Calendar
– Contact Information