Jeanette Moioffer
Village Clerk & Treasurer
General Contact Information: 40 Pine St., Elkhart Lake, WI 53020, (920) 876-2122, (920) 876-2892 (fax)
Comprehensive Plan: Adopted in 1990 – working on an update
Basic Process of Approval or Denial of a Development Plan: Review by Planning Commission, draft a developer’s agreement, developer’s agreement approved by Village Board.
TIF Districts: We have one and are presently at capacity and would not be able to add a TIF until this one closes.
Redevelopment Aid: Only small amount of money presently available. Have a Community Development Authority that offers grants and loans.
Projects: Just approved a 40 unit housing and accompanying assisted living development for seniors. In the process of reviewing a proposed single family housing development for approximately 60+ homes. In the process of building a new fire station. Considering upgrading an industrial site for a prospective buyer.
Fee Schedule: Engineering and legal fees for project review, $25 plus $1 for each lot.
Time Schedule for Plan Approval: Depending on scope of project the shortest time would be two months.
Building or Growth Moratoria: n/a
Environmental Issues: Need to protect the lake.
Internet Connection:
– Committees
– Ordinances
– Village Map
– Statistics
– Contact Informatio