
Notable Marketing Executives: Maddy Tarbox

As vice president of marketing for Pewaukee-based VJS Construction, Maddy Tarbox is responsible for working closely with the president...

Notable Marketing Executives: Jenny Rebholz

When Jenny Rebholz, principal at PushPoint Marketing, first began consulting with AG Architecture 17 years ago, the firm had...

Notable Marketing Executives: Angela Nicloy

As director of marketing, Angela Nicloy is responsible for corporate marketing, print services and client marketing projects for Pewaukee-based...

Notable Marketing Executives: Nicole Mennicke

Nicole Mennicke started at Menomonee Falls-based Rocket Clicks as an entry-level advertising analyst and grew into the role of...

Notable Marketing Executives: Jill Means

Jill Means, marketing director of Milwaukee-based New Resources Consulting, has been instrumental in educating the markets about the New...

Notable Marketing Executives: Kim Irwin

COVID-19 hit the senior living industry hard, but Kim Irwin, senior director of marketing, led Waukesha-based Capri Communities through...

Notable Marketing Executives: Milt Hwang

Milt Hwang, vice president of marketing operations for Waterbury, Connecticut-based Webster Bank, the parent company of Sheboygan-based HSA Bank,...
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Notable Marketing Executives: Ray Hoffman

Ray Hoffman, marketing director at Wauwatosa-based Current Electric Co., has provided effective leadership within his department.  Current Electric has provided...

Notable Marketing Executives: Felice Green

Marketing manager Felice Green uses her skills to promote and build Vivent Health’s brand awareness through various programs and...

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