
Notable Women in Insurance: Joanne Szymaszek

Colleagues say Joanne Szymaszek is the type of leader many aspire to be.  Szymaszek, executive vice president of Johnson Financial...

Notable Women in Insurance: Heather Dunn

For Heather Dunn, simplicity is key.  Dunn manages three teams totaling 70 people in her role as senior vice president...

Notable Women in Insurance: Tammy Roou

Tammy Roou, vice president of enterprise compliance for Northwestern Mutual, has been with the Milwaukee-based insurance company since 1999....

Notable Women in Insurance: Brandy Enger

As director of personal lines for Vizance, Brandy Enger oversees 30 personal insurance advisors across the company’s 13 locations.  She...

Notable Women in Insurance: Nicole Cutraro

Nicole Cutraro has worked with Mid-State Insurance through many changes.  As vice president of the Mequon-based agency, Cutraro oversees sales,...

Notable Women in Insurance: Aditi Javeri Gokhale

In her role as chief commercial officer and president of Northwestern Mutual’s retail investment business, Aditi Javeri Gokhale has...
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Notable Marketing Executives: Jenna Wagner

Under Jenna Wagner’s leadership as global marketing and sales director, Glendale-based TEKLYNX International unveiled new global branding and a...

Notable Marketing Executives: Melissa Theisen

A member of the leadership team at Milwaukee-based Badger Mutual Insurance, marketing supervisor Melissa Theisen has demonstrated a strong...

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