
Notable Marketing Executives: Sarah Maio

Joining the Wisconsin Center District (WCD) in 2016, Sarah Maio, vice president of marketing and communications, became the director...

Notable Marketing Executives: Lindsey Muchka

Lindsey Muchka, director of marketing for Menomonee Falls-based Tailored Label Products, oversees all marketing initiatives for the company, from...

Notable Marketing Executives: Josh Delaney

Emily Ciliberto has worked for Josh Delaney, CEO and founder of St. Francis-based FAB Nutrition, for five years and...

Notable Marketing Executives: Ann Stadler

The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic brought industry-changing challenges to Ann Stadler as vice president, chief marketing officer of...

Notable Marketing Executives: Kirsten Corbell

InCheck, Inc. hired Kirsten Corbell in 2019 as director of marketing — a new position for the company.  “She represented...
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Notable Marketing Executives: Brigette Breitenbach

Brigette Breitenbach, president of Milwaukee-based B&Co., has owned her own company since 1996, initially becoming a business owner because...

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