Meet me in the middle – litigation mediation
In a certain sense, the practice of mediation to resolve business disputes was born of the notion that "there...
Playing tax tug-of-war
Tax changes would favor in-state producers with out-of-state sales Is the corporate-tax glass half full or half empty in...
Don’t let too much information manage you
As business managers, we are overwhelmed with raw data. Not only that, but we're inundated with statistics about the...
Change agents
Management and staff must buy in to the need to continuously improve the operation Roadblock: A self-managed staff...
Internet connection options:
T1 - The Cadillac option is a T-1 connection - a direct, high-speed connection to the Internet that, depending...
Quicker Internet connections now the norm, but the best remains costly
When Racine quality consultant Jay Warner connects to the Internet to update his World Wide Web page or research...
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Racine and Kenosha identity
have an identity all their own Sandwiched between the Illinois state line and Oak Creek, Racine and Kenosha stand...
Safe surfing
Network security is an integral part of any well-designed computer system Question: Can our enterprise network be safely connected...
Courting travelers – new Marriott
New downtown Marriott set to open When Milwaukee civic and business leaders agreed to convert a good chunk of...
Dream weaver
Jolted to a new focus on life, Bayside man now aims to help others realize ambitions Everyone has a...