Sports & Entertainment
Performing Arts Preview
Check out the week ahead surrounding Milwaukee's performing arts and music scene
Bubbler Quote of the Week
“…all modes of transportation in Wisconsin - buses, highways, bicycles, harbors, etc. - are subsidized through the state's $6.8 billion transportation fund. And to put the cost of new highways in perspective, adding one lane to Interstate 94 between Milwaukee and the Illinois line is costing $1.9 billion - twice the cost of the rail line.”
Bubbler Personnel Files
Accounting Komisar Brady & Co. LLP, Milwaukee, announced that Matthew Engelhardt, and Allison Radloff have joined the firm as...
Bubbler Executive Appointments
Rambo named chairman of Wisconsin health data project Larry Rambo, regional chief executive officer of Humana, has been elected...
Midland Video Vault: Ronald McDonald
In commemoration of the company’s 30-year history, Milwaukee-based Midland Video Productions has launched a company blog that features a series of videos and outtakes from the production company’s archives
Allen speaks on child obesity issue with the First Lady
Will Allen, founder and chief executive officer of Growing Power, was recently one of three featured speakers at First Lady Michelle Obama’s announcement about her national initiative to fight childhood obesity- Let’s Move.
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Sprecher commemorates the circus with special edition root beer
The Tripoli Circus is coming to Milwaukee on Thursday, Feb. 25, through Sunday, Feb. 28, and Sprecher Root Beer is joining in the fun with a limited edition root beer label and a free ticket offer.
Milwaukee Downtown accepts award nominations
The Milwaukee Downtown BID #21 is seeking nominations for its 2010 Downtown Achievement Awards.
Milwaukee pharma company lands state grant for research
Gov. Jim Doyle announced that Promentis Pharmaceuticals Inc. in Milwaukee will receive a $250,000 Technology Venture Fund loan from the Wisconsin Department of Commerce
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