Health Care

State GOP’s “Jobs Agenda” includes plans to reduce health care costs

Three proposals to help reduce the soaring costs of health care are part of the "100 Day Jobs Agenda,"...

Keeping the faith

For the three Christian sisters who own the SB Fitness Complex at 8940 N. 85th St., Milwaukee, their business...

Wellness incentives

To many employees, the impact of health benefit-based wellness incentives must feel like a whack upside the head. As...

Caught in the crossfire

Although local businesses would certainly be affected by Aurora Health Care's proposal to build a new hospital in the...

Tort reform debate continues into new year

While businesses continue to absorb higher liability insurance premiums, a new report about rising tort costs is refueling the...

Business interruption insurance may be critical to survival

If your business was struck by an unforeseen disaster, such as a fire, burglary or massive equipment failure, would...
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Investigators target life insurance industry

With the mutual fund industry in turmoil amid federal allegations, regulators are now broadening their investigation to include the...

Corporate wellness

I have just completed close to 400 individual health counseling sessions in follow-up to Health Risk Appraisals at three...

Viewpoint: Waukesha County needs another hospital

As a family practice physician, I see a wide range of patients from all walks of life. I am...

Pilates finds a downtown home

Alternative and holistic medicine and exercise continues to grow in popularity, and now downtown Milwaukee residents and workers have...

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