Innovate or die
Remember we first learned about entrepreneurship when we studied that Thomas Edison invented the light bulb? We grew up with it. It helped change the life of Americans for generations. This iconic American invention will now disappear from the American landscape.
Opponents spew myths about high-speed rail
I speak as a former resident, of 23 years, of Waukesha County who has worked within the transportation field...
Get on the jobs train, Governor Walker
Too bad Governor-elect Scott Walker was not in attendance to hear Mac Holladay address Madison-region leaders at Thrive's annual...
Rejecting high-speed rail will isolate Wisconsin
"Think about how this will impact our grandkids." This statement is often made in reference to the American Recovery...
High-speed rail would be a ‘grave mistake’
Editor's note: Wisconsin Governor-elect Scott Walker sent the following letter Tuesday to U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood. Ray...
Canceling high-speed rail is economic treason
Governor-elect Scott Walker's ill-advised campaign posture to cancel the high-speed rail project that is already under construction would cost...
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Stop this high-speed train in its tracks
A recent newspaper editorial urged Wisconsin Governor-elect Scott Walker and U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood to sit down and...
Continuing high-speed rail is critical
Editor's note: U.S. Congresswoman Gwen Moore (D-Milwaukee) wrote to Wisconsin Gov. Jim Doyle and Governor-Elect Scott Walker after the...
RitzHolman CPAs will present the seminar "Nonprofit Financial Management Update," on Tuesday, Nov. 16 from...