
BrightStar completes second investment round

Milwaukee-based BrightStar Wisconsin Foundation Inc. has announced its second round of investments in early-stage Wisconsin companies.

Nominate innovative companies and entrepreneurs for BizTimes awards

Do you know of an innovative company or a bold, entrepreneurial company leader?

Gener8tor launches winter program

Wisconsin-based startup accelerator Gener8tor has kicked off its Winter 2014 Program with five companies planning to advance their businesses.

Innovate or Die: Challenge yourself to keep moving forward

Do we really need to be creative and innovative to live longer? Can a company survive without continual innovation?

Proposed patent legislation threatens innovation

When we think of all the innovative technologies and modern conveniences of our daily lives today, most of us do not connect the integral role our patent system has played. However, many of the revolutionary advances we now take for granted – checking e-mail, surfing the Web, lifesaving medications and medical devices – were all made possible because of our strong patent system that encourages and rewards innovation.

Innovate or die

Are you wondering if your team or even you personally possess the creative gene that would enable you and your team to innovate? Should you be looking to hire the next Steve Jobs?
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Milwaukee Institute doubles supercomputer capacity to help area businesses

Milwaukee-based nonprofit The Milwaukee Institute Inc. recently announced a new $500,000 investment to double the capacity of its high-performance computing infrastructure.

3-D printing: The next disruptive technology

3-D printing is quickly emerging as the next great disruptive technology for consumers and businesses across the globe.

Innovate or Die

Your brain is deaf, dumb and blind. It has no direct connection to the world. Inside of your head, it's always dark, wet and 98.6°.

Steininger to discuss innovation

The Waukesha County Business Alliance will host a program on Thursday, Sept. 5, on “Innovate or Die: The Secret of Driving Revenue Through Innovation,” to be presented by Dan Steininger, president and co-founder of BizStarts Milwaukee.

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