Government & Politics
Nine Milwaukee projects awarded low-income housing tax credits
WHEDA 2016 tax credits total $14 million.
Changes sought to proposed strip mall on Gasthaus site
Waukesha Plan Commission raises traffic, architecture concerns.
Racine to pay Target Corp. $267,980 in property tax dispute
City also settled assessment dispute with Regency Mall.
City of Waukesha staff oppose strip mall at Gasthaus site
Weissgerber says the family has no choice but to consider a sale
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UnitedHealthCare to exit most Obamacare exchanges by 2017
Insurer's future in Wisconsin exchange unclear.
Harriet Tubman to replace Andrew Jackson on $20 bill
Alexander Hamilton will remain on front of $10 bill.
Wisconsin voters reject presidential front-runners
Wisconsin voters dealt a blow to Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, the leaders in the Republican and Democratic presidential...