Maria Monreal-Cameron
‘Satanic venom’ has no place in immigration debate
Editor's note: Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker recently fired Steve Krieser, deputy assistant secretary at the state Department of Transportation (DOT) after Krieser posted the following about undocumented people in the United States on Facebook: "You may see Jesus when you look at them, I see Satan." Today's Milwaukee Biz Blog was written by Maria Monreal-Cameron, president and chief executive officer of the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of Wisconsin.
Hispanic Chamber stands with Palermo’s
Palermo's Pizza is one of the nation's largest makers of frozen pizza and the latest example of a yet another Milwaukee-born company that has grown and prospered into a prominent national brand. The company has been in the news a great deal lately but unfortunately, the headlines aren't about new products, job expansions or about the many investments they make in the community.