Kristine Hansen
Homes are a steal in southeastern Wisconsin
First comes the job, then comes housing.
Most employees will purchase a home for less than $300,000 in Wisconsin,...
Milwaukee and Chicago are part of the same megaregion
It used to be that driving along I-94 from Cook County, Illinois, to Wisconsin was a matter of not...
Companies that moved north of the border happy with their decision
Prestige Metal Products’ move to Bristol, Wisconsin last year – after 40 years in Antioch, Illinois – felt like...
The barons would be proud
It’s no surprise that Wisconsin knows its beer. In the mid- to late-1800s, beer barons from Germany discovered fertile...
The professionals
Tory Miller’s advice for today’s culinary graduates in Wisconsin: Leave Wisconsin… and come back. As chef-owner of four Madison...
‘Don’t miss’ dining around the state
Snug in the company town of Kohler, The Immigrant Restaurant scores high for its posh factor. The state’s...