F Street Group

2024 Future 50 Winner

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Milwaukee | Founded: 2009
Industry: Real Estate
Employees: 30 | 2024 projected sales: $25 million

F Street Group is an investment company with a portfolio focused on real estate development, lending and emerging market technologies.

What factors have contributed the most to your growth in the past three years?

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Scott Lurie, founder: “There continues to be tremendous growth within the alternative investment industry, specifically within real estate, as assets continue to provide reduced volatility risk verses typical securities investments. We have also focused on integrating new technologies across our platform that have made it easier for our investors and clients to manage and maintain their accounts with F Street. Lastly, we have carefully expanded our team to include some of the most amazing talent available in the area and we are focused on the continued education and growth of each member as we work toward long-term company goals.”

How has your company navigated the challenges of the past few years?

“We have continued to remain diligent in our evaluation and analysis of potential development projects, with a focus on being conservative to provide our investor network with the opportunity to outperform should rates head lower over the next few years. Our lending continues to focus on strong value-add propositions from our borrower base, while our underwriting focus has ensured that we are writing solid loans with strong collateral backing.”

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How would you describe your company culture?

“We are grinders and hustlers that love to have a good time. Culture is a major part of what makes F Street unlike traditional investment firms and helps us embrace the alternative landscape.”

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