Report: Milwaukee ’emerges as favorite’ for 2024 RNC

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A report today from Politico says that Milwaukee has become the favorite to host the 2024 Republican National Convention.

The report comes as the site selection committee for the 2024 RNC is visiting Milwaukee. Hosted by VISIT Milwaukee and its partners, the site selection committee is in its second of two days viewing the city. The Politico report indicates that former Gov. Scott Walker is part of Milwaukee tour.

Milwaukee is a finalist to host the 2024 RNC, competing with Salt Lake City and Nashville.

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VISIT Milwaukee president and CEO Peggy Williams-Smith recently indicated that between $10 million and $20 million has been pledged by donors to host the 2024 RNC, if it is awarded to Milwaukee. A Politico source says local donors have pledged $30 million in support of the event.

Milwaukee was the host city for the 2020 Democratic National Convention, but the event was a huge disappointment for the city because it was almost entirely held virtually, due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The 2024 RNC would bring 45,000 visitors to Milwaukee and would have an estimated economic impact of nearly $200 million, according to VISIT Milwaukee. The event would also bring significant media exposure to the city.

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“Milwaukee is pursuing the RNC for the same reason it pursued the DNC,” Williams-Smith said. “To bring hundreds of millions of dollars in near- and long-term economic benefit to our restaurants, bars, hotels, shops and venues.”

Milwaukee officials have also indicated a desire to bid for the 2024 DNC, but the RFP process for that event has not begun yet, according to a VISIT Milwaukee spokesperson. Some Democrats said the city deserved another opportunity to host the event, since the 2020 event was mostly virtual.

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