The Wisconsin Economic Development Corp. will lead a group of business executives on a trade venture to China from Jan. 8 to 16, 2016.

The trip will stop in Tianjin and Nanjing. Tianjin is China’s fourth-largest city, and is about 30 minutes from Beijing by high-speed train. It is home to advanced industries, finance and a major seaport. Nanjing is the second-largest commercial center in eastern China, and has a quickly growing economy based on clean energy, advanced manufacturing and health care.
Wisconsin’s delegation will evaluate the expanding markets and seek out business opportunities outside China’s primary commercial centers.
“China is investing heavily in infrastructure, health care and environmental initiatives as the country’s middle class purchasing power expands,” said Katy Sinnott, vice president of international business development at WEDC. “Wisconsin’s leadership in these areas and our well-known manufacturing and research capabilities create exciting business opportunities for globally-minded companies in our state.”
The WEDC has invited Wisconsin companies to join the trip, and prepare for it with the ExporTech sessions it will be holidng on the China market in Waukesha in November. WEDC recently received a $712,000 federal grant to help companies in Wisconsin participate in ExporTech and attend its trade ventures.
More information about the trip is available at