“This bill overcomes several of the hurdles that exist to getting to 50 votes in the house.”
– Rep. Cory Mason, D-Racine, announcing an amendment to the proposed Southeastern Wisconsin RTA legislation.
“It’s always amazing to me to see legislators who you work very hard (with), who come to an agreement as we came to an agreement on an RTA, and then they just sort of go off in another direction.”
– Gov. Jim Doyle, saying the original RTA bill announced in January is "the right bill" and that he doubts the Assembly Dems’ version will make it to his desk. (See more on RTAs in an item below.)
“We don’t intend to come here for two years and then get out. We plan to be here for a long time.”
– Antonio Perez of Spanish train manufacturer Talgo, announcing the company will build an assembly plant at Milwaukee’s former Tower Automotive site, creating approximately 125 jobs. The site was chosen ahead of bids from Janesville and Appleton.
“To me 250,000 is a minimum. It’s just a base.”
– Milwaukee County Executive Scott Walker, defending his jobs pledge as he campaigns for governor. See more from his appearance on "UpFront with Mike Gousha." (See more in an item below.)