BizTimes collects Awards for Excellence in Journalism

BizTimes Media LLC received an unprecedented six Awards For Excellence in Journalism at the Milwaukee Press Club’s Gridiron Dinner at the Intercontinental Hotel in downtown Milwaukee Friday night.

BizTimes executive editor Steve Jagler received a gold medal award for his analysis of Obamacare.

Reporter Molly Newman received a gold medal award for her feature story on Leinenkugel Brewing Co.

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Silver awards went to managing editor Andrew Weiland for his beat coverage on real estate and to the BizTimes staff for best website design. Bronze awards were achieved by “Innovation” columnist Dan Steininger and designers Shelly Tabor and Picara Hay for best magazine design.

The Press Club’s Sacred Cat Award was bestowed to ABC News reporter Cokie Roberts.

For a complete list of awards recipients, click here.

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