Stop here for the latest health care industry news from around the country.
Washington Post: ‘The health hazards of sitting’
Politico: ‘Target dropping health coverage for part-timers’
New York Times: ‘Patients’ Costs Skyrocket; Specialists’ Incomes Soar’
Associated Press: ‘House passes bill requiring weekly health care numbers’
MSNBC: ‘How the Obamacare wars hurt the mentally ill’
The New Republic: ‘Obamacare in Red and Blue America: Two Charts Tell the Story ‘
USA Today: ‘Co-ops the underdog in health insurance marketplace’
Kaiser Family Foundation (Study): Marketplace Enrollment as a Share of the Marketplace Eligible Population
NPR: ‘In Michigan, Businessmen And Politicians Agree On Medicaid’
Wall Street Journal: ‘Despite bipartisan howls, medical-device tax persists’
Kaiser Family Foundation: ‘Explaining Health Care Reform: Risk Adjustment, Reinsurance, and Risk Corridors’
Washington Post: ‘In California, Obamacare is succeeding’