McKeown, Jeff

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Jeff McKeown,   Owner / President
Express Personnel Services

Racine, Wi

What does your daily or weekly fitness regime consist of?
"Monday – Friday – Average 4-5 Days a week. Work-out at the Gym 5:00 AM – 6:30 AM Workout consists of running either outside (weather permitting) or inside on the elliptical machine for 30 minutes, an additional 30 minutes of weights. I play basketball during the noon hour 1 to 3 times a week and play in a league on Thursday nights. I typically work out one day during the weekend."

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Other than the obvious health benefits, how has being fit improved your life?
"Over the last year I have dropped nearly 55 pounds and have gone from a size 48 long suit to a size 42 long. I have also dropped my waist from a 38 – 40 to a size 33. My body fat percentage went from a 29% to a 15.9% at the last check. I feel great, have increased energy and focus, I have more confidence and am just in general reinvigorated about life. I have enjoyed running a few races and have enjoyed the competition that comes with being active in sports again. Exercising serves as an outlet for me and as an opportunity for me to think and reflect. I also was able to reduce my life insurance costs by improving my health. Most importantly I think I am setting a good example for my daughters about the importance of exercise."

How does personal fitness affect your work life?
"Working out in the morning allows me the ability to think through my day and increases my energy level. By the time I get in the office, I have been up and active for three hours. When I hit the door, I am focused and ready to attack the day."

Do you have a corporate health or wellness initiative?

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How does fitness or wellness affect your overall organization?
"I think seeing me active and involved in an exercise program might motivate them to get more active."

What advice do you have for other executives interested in starting either a personal fitness plan or corporate wellness initiative?
"I would encourage them to find a partner and hold each other accountable. My workout buddy has also seen amazing changes in his fitness level. He has lost over thirty pounds and is back to his weight from college. Having a workout partner has kept me motivated and helped me achieve the health gains. My other advice would be to seek a competitive outlet. Running races keeps me dedicated to running even when it is hard because I know that their will be a time when I am competing."

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