30 West Mifflin St., Madison
Co-working space that provides connections, workspace, and opportunities to support entrepreneurs.
96 Square/Startup Milwaukee
1101 N. Market St., 2nd Floor, Milwaukee
Affordable and scalable office space, access to mentors, top talent, potential investors and a community of like-minded entrepreneurs.
549 High Ave., Oshkosh
920-424-2364 • aeroinnovate.org
Incubator for entrepreneurs and innovators in the aviator or aerospace industry.
BizStarts Milwaukee
1555 N. RiverCenter Dr. Ste. 210, Milwaukee
414-973-2334 • bizstartsmilwaukee.org
A collaborative center connecting start-ups and scaling businesses to resources, education and capital.
161 W. Wisconsin Ave., 2nd floor, Milwaukee
414-301-1414 • bucketworks.org
Collaborative workspace and resource-sharing community made up of members.
Business Success Center
549 High Ave., Oshkosh
920-424-0833 • uwosh.edu/bsc
A consulting firm based out of UW-Oshkosh that helps local businesses connect with university resources.
Central Wisconsin Community Action Council (CWCAC)
100 Hwy 13, PO Box 430, Wisconsin Dells
608-254-8353 • cwcac.org
Programs to help individuals start small businesses.
Coulee Region Business Center
1100 Kane St., La Crosse
608-782-8022 • crbc.biz
Small business incubator for La Crosse-area entrepreneurs.
201 Melby St., Westby
608-634-3104 • couleecap.org
Nonprofit that offers business development programs.
CVTC Applied Technology Center
2322 Alpine Rd., Eau Claire
715-874-4655 • cvtc.edu/atc
Incubation center with space and equipment for businesses specializing in microfabrication and other advanced manufacturing techniques.
Economic Development Partners
1972 Oakwood View Dr., Verona
608-832-6776 • edpwi.com
Development and business resource experts based out of Southern Wisconsin.
Entrepreneurial and Education Center
100 N 72nd Ave., Wausau
715-261-6680 • wausaudevelopment.com
Development center run by the City of Wausau to help local entrepreneurs start or expand businesses.
Farm Market Kitchen
520 Parkway St., PO Box 35, Algoma
920-421-0995 • farmmarketkitchen.com
A Northeast Wisconsin incubator for food processing businesses that preserve the region’s agricultural heritage.
Gener8tor Madison
30 W Mifflin St., 5th Floor, Madison
414-502-8881 • gener8tor.com
Technology investors that provide early start-ups funding and a 12-week mentorship program to help launch their business.
Gener8tor Milwaukee
309 N Water St., Ste. 615, Milwaukee
414-502-8880 • gener8tor.com
Technology investors that provide early start-ups funding and a 12-week mentorship program to help launch their business.
Global Entrepreneurship Collective
1101 N Market St., Ste. 2, Milwaukee
414-308-3307 • globalecollective.org
An umbrella organization of incubators and accelerators including veteran-focused VETransfer and Revolution Labs, a central city start-up incubator.
Global Water Center/The BREW
247 W Freshwater Way, Milwaukee
414-228-3505 • thewatercouncil.com
Water research and business accelerator center addressing water quality, technology and policy issues.
Indianhead Community Action Agency
1000 College Ave. West, P.O. Box 40, Ladysmith
715-532-4222 • indianheadcaa.org
Nonprofit offering business development programs to help low-income entrepreneurs in Northwest Wisconsin.
Janesville Innovation Center
2949 Venture Dr., Janesville
608-755-3181 • ci.janesville.wi.us
Work space for local Janesville start-ups, short-term expansion and temporary space during new business construction
Jefferson Area Business Center
222 Wisconsin Dr., Jefferson
608-674-9000 • jeffersonabc.com
Office space and moving services, with marketing and administrative aid available.
Kickapoo Culinary Center
16381 Hwy 131, Gays Mills
608-485-3413 • kickapooculinary.org
An economic development group cultivating food businesses in the recovering Kickapoo region.
Madison Enterprise Center
100 S Baldwin St., Madison
608-256-6565 • cwd.org
A project of Madison’s Common Wealth Development organization that serves start-up and expanding small businesses.
Main Street Industries
931 W Main St., Madison
608-516-4046 • cwd.org
Second-stage incubator that serves start-ups and expanding businesses, supported by the Common Wealth Development organization.
MGE Innovation Center
510 Charmany Dr., Ste. 250, Madison
608-320-3243 • universityresearchpark.org
Internationally recognized research and technology park. Many tenants specialize in biotechnology.
NE Wisconsin Technical College Entrepreneur Resource Center
2701 Larsen Rd., Green Bay
920-498-7180 • nwtc.edu/erc
Resources for potential entrepreneurs, including experienced guidance and classes.
Platteville Business Incubator
52 Means Dr., Platteville
608-348-2758 • pbii.org
A nonprofit formed to promote business start-ups in the Platteville area.
SC Johnson Integrated Manufacturing and Engineering Technology (iMET) Center
2320 Renaissance Blvd., Sturtevant
262-898-7524 • gtc.edu
Manufacturing lab that offers flexible training on state-of-the-art equipment.
Scale Up Milwaukee
Action project focused on bringing together policies, structures, programs and climate that foster entrepreneurship.
Sector 67
2100 Winnebago St., Madison
608-241-4605 • sector67.org
A workspace and makerspace for businesses and creative professionals focusing on developing next-gen technology.
Technology Innovation Center
10437 Innovation Dr., Ste. 123, Wauwatosa
414-778-1400 • mcrpc.org
One of the nation’s largest business incubators, specializing in research and technology firms.
The Development Association
1401 Tower Ave., Ste. 302, Superior
715-392-4749 • wegrowbiz.org
A nonprofit that assists with the retention, creation, expansion and recruitment of businesses in Superior and Douglas Counties.
Wisconsin African American Women’s Center
3020 W Vliet St., Milwaukee
A community center featuring a business incubator for economic empowerment.
Wisconsin Business Incubator Association
52 Means Dr., Platteville
608-348-2758 • wbiastate.org/
A member association that develops and manages incubation programs that foster the development of entrepreneurial companies.
Wisconsin Small Business Development Center
975 University Ave., Room 3260, Madison
608-263-0221 • wisconsinsbdc.org/locations
Statewide network that helps facilitate business growth and launch new companies with a variety of general and specialized services.
Wisconsin Women’s Business Initiative Corporation
2745 N Dr. Martin Luther King Dr., Milwaukee
414-263-5450 • wwbic.com
A statewide organization specializing in the assistance of women, people of color and low-income entrepreneurs with mentorship, training and access to affordable business loans.
Wisconsin Incubators & Accelerators
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