Is your company leveraging the wealth that social media provides? Twitter is one social media channel that should be a priority in your digital marketing mix. Below are three tips to maximize your Twitter strategy.
Advanced search
Gather a list of buzzwords that describe your services or products and then visit From here, add in phrases or words that someone might tweet.
Here are a few examples of phrases to search for: Any good recommendations for a (insert buzzword)? Can anyone suggest a (insert buzzword)? Where can I find (insert buzzword)?
Reach out to the Twitter users who are asking these questions. More importantly, try to be a valuable resource to these users. It’s best to narrow your search by putting in a location to hone in on your target market.
BONUS: Visit and set up a “stream” that automatically searches for the key terms that are relevant for your business as well as segment by location.
Private and public lists
Twitter streams can be overwhelming. Lists allow you to manage your Twitter community by viewing tweets from selected users you add to a list, simplifying your stream.
Private lists are a great way to keep track of current and prospective clients.
BONUS: If you are at a tradeshow, create a public list that contains attendees. The companies in attendance will get notified when they are added to a list, creating another sales touch.
Follow the 70/20/10 rule
Seventy percent of the time, you are sharing information related to your business or in your industry. Twenty percent of content is from other accounts (RTs). Ten percent is sales-oriented – i.e. sign up for our newsletter for a discount or join us at this upcoming event.
BONUS: Thank users for following you. Sounds cheesy, but people love recognition. A simple thank you goes a long way.
Hopefully these three tips help convert more leads via Twitter!
Greg Brey is a digital marketing strategist at Milwaukee-based Keystone Click.