University School of Milwaukee plans $20 million in campus improvements

The University School of Milwaukee’s Board of Trustees recently voted to proceed with a $20 million project for new construction and renovation of its Lower and Middle School facilities.

“To implement fully the curriculum that is already in place and to provide our students with the skills and knowledge necessary to be successful in the 21st century, it is clear that we need larger classrooms, additional common areas, a new gymnasium and the latest technology," said head of school Ward J. Ghory. "We are excited to see this project commence and would like to thank all of the generous donors who have helped to make it a reality.

“Our school’s current Lower and Middle School facilities first welcomed approximately 400 girls when Downer Seminary opened its doors on this site in 1961. Today, these same buildings house over 700 students. While these classrooms, offices, and libraries have served us well, today’s classrooms must be larger and better-equipped to facilitate interactive learning, group projects, interest areas, and instructional technology.”

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The second phase of the project, called the Next Generation Campaign, will create 12 new Lower School classrooms. A new 3-story, 55,000-square-foot lower school addition will house the second, third and fourth grades and will include a computer lab, world language classrooms, and a new Lower School gymnasium. Plans also call for Middle School commons and study hall areas, as well as a new Middle School digital media studio.

The first phase of the project was completed in 2007. About $25 million was raised. Half of those funds were directed to strengthening the school’s endowment. The other half was used for new construction and renovations to the upper school, including a new science center, a new fitness center and improvements to athletic facilities.

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