After a false start last year, the Town of Sheboygan is hoping to secure a large-scale commercial development on 99 acres of farmland near Interstate 43 and Highway 42.

The town has issued a request for proposals for the Beuchel Farms property at 4305 N. 40th St.. Town officials are seeking a development partner who could link the site to the existing retail development along Highway 42 just west of the site.
The town was working with Chattanooga-based real estate developer, Hutton, in 2017 on a mixed-use project and entered into an agreement with the property owner for a 5-year option to purchase the property.
That project has not moved forward due to changing market conditions; however, the option is still in effect, according to the RFP.
The site consists of seven parcels surrounded by single-family residential in the city of Sheboygan to the east, multifamily developments to the north and commercial to the south and west.
“The Town of Sheboygan has a track record of working successfully to approve large and small scale developments,” the RFP states. “Previous successful developments include Wal-Mart, Menards, and Muth Mirror Systems, Inc. The town has been among the fastest growing areas in (Sheboygan County).”
The town of Sheboygan has its own municipal water and sanitary sewer systems. Due to its size, the town is one of only a few in the state with the legal authority to create a tax incremental financing (TIF) district identical to those used by other Wisconsin cities and villages.
According to the RFP, town officials are willing to consider the use of special assessments to finance utilities or other creative public-private partnerships that are mutually beneficial.
Responses to the RFP are due by Jan. 18.