The Milwaukee Public Market in the Historic Third Ward continues to find success, reaching record breaking sales and customer visits in 2016.

Total vendor sales increased 10 percent last year to $15.82 million, up from $14.35 million in 2015, according to operators. The sales figures are more than double total sales in 2010.
Customer visits were up 11 percent, with 1.54 million people visiting the Public Market in 2016, up from 1.39 million the previous year.
“It’s been incredibly gratifying to witness the support and patronage of the market from locals and tourists from around the world,” said Paul Schwartz, operation and communication manager. “It’s unbelievable growth within in a six year period. I think we’ve cemented our status as one of the top destinations in the downtown area.”
In addition to several eating establishments, the market, which opened in 2005, also hosts public cooking classes and private events on the second level.
The Public Market is owned and operated by the Third Ward Business Improvement District #2.