Kip Ritchie is a member of the Forest County Potawatomi Community (FCPC) and serves as president of Greenfire, a construction company owned by the Potawatomi Business Development Corporation (PBDC), the economic development arm of the FCPC, which is headquartered in Milwaukee. Ritchie has been at the helm of Greenfire since 2014.
He has been closely involved with the company since its inception in 2010, having previously served as chief operating officer of the PBDC.
Under Ritchie’s leadership, Greenfire has received dozens of awards, including Fastest Growing Firm, Diversity in Business, Top Construction Company, Newsmaker of the Year, Largest Minority-Owned Company, and a Cream of the Cream City Award.
Ritchie has spent most of his career serving FCPC and Indian country as a whole. In addition to leading the Greenfire team, he spends time sharing best practices with various tribal economic development programs.
To help achieve this, he sits on the boards of many tribal programs and businesses, he presents to tribal organizations across the country and shares knowledge he has gathered over the years.
Ritchie also serves on several local and regional board of directors and is engaged in a variety of community and philanthropic organizations.