*Wednesday, May 7, CORE/El Centro will hold its CORE Momentum Fundraiser in honor of its 12th anniversary. The evening will feature a dinner, silent auction and wine pull as well as an awards ceremony and program. The fundraiser will be held at the Italian Conference Center, located at 631 E. Chicago St. in Milwaukee, from 5:30 to 8 p.m. Tickets cost $80 for individuals. Groups of four can reserve seats for $400, and groups of eight can reserve a table for $800. For more information or to purchase tickets, visit www.core-elcentro.org/core-momentum.
*Thursday, May 8, the Nonprofit Center of Milwaukee will hold a workshop on techniques to use in training staff members to work effectively with volunteers. The workshop, titled “Training Staff to Succeed with Volunteers,” will teach attendees how to train staff to develop volunteer positions, oversee volunteers and handle conflict. Bonnie Andrews, volunteer center manager, will run the workshop from 9 to 11 a.m. at the Nonprofit Center’s office, located at 2819 W. Highland Blvd. in Milwaukee. Cost is $25 for Nonprofit Center members and CDBG agencies and $50 for non-members. For more information or to register, visit www.npcmilwaukee.org.
*Friday, May 9, BoardStar Inc. will hold a workshop on the power of auxiliary boards. The workshop, titled “Another Board? How Auxiliary Boards Can Transform Your Organization,” will help attendees learn the benefits auxiliary boards offer nonprofit organizations as well as how to structure a board or enhance an existing one. The information session will be led by Laura Zumdahl, an experienced nonprofit leader and current president and CEO of Chicago, Ill.-based New Moms Inc. The workshop will run from 9 to 11 a.m. at Pathfinders, located at 4200 N. Holton, Ste. 400, in Milwaukee. Cost is $35 for BoardStar members and $50 for non-members. For more information or to register, visit www.boardstar.org.
*Saturday, May 10, the Milwaukee Bar Association will host a series of free walk-in legal clinics as a part of Law Day 2014. Attorneys will be staffed at four area libraries from 1 to 4 p.m. to work one-on-one with area residents in need of legal assistance. Library locations are: Forest Home Library, 1432 W. Forest Home Ave.; Central Library, 814 W. Wisconsin Ave.; Center Street Library, 2727 W. Fond du Lac Ave.; and Brown Deer Library, 5600 W. Bradley Rd. For more information, visit www.findmilwaukeelawyers.org.
*Sunday, May 18, members of seven Milwaukee-area museums will be granted free general admission to each participating venue through Member Swap Day. Held twice each year, Member Swap Day encourages individuals and families to soak up arts and culture at Milwaukee institutions. Participating museums are: The Milwaukee Art Museum, the Milwaukee Public Museum, Betty Brinn Children’s Museum, Discovery World, the Harley-Davidson Museum, the Grohmann Museum, the Charles Allis Art Museum, Villa Terrace Decorative Arts Museum, and the Pabst Mansion. Members must show their membership card upon entering to receive free admission. Non-members will also be able to sign up for membership on Member Swap Day and earn the same benefits.