Stop here for links to health care industry news from around the country.
Kaiser Family Foundation: ‘Total Number of Insurers Participating in the Individual Health Insurance Marketplace’
Vox: ‘Obamacare’s Medicaid expansion just got cheaper for states’
New York Times: ‘Looking at Costs and Risks, Many Skip Health Insurance’
Politico: ‘Beyond 8 million: Obamacare math’
Bloomberg: ‘How Americans Die’
Forbes: ‘Despite Early ACA Costs, UnitedHealth Will Expand Obamacare Business In 2015’
Los Angeles Times: ‘Nearly 7 in 10 Americans say health plans should cover birth control’
Kaiser Health News (VIDEO): ‘Obama Announces 8 Million Have Enrolled In Marketplace Plans’
Washington Examiner: ‘GE boss Jeff Immelt says Obamacare ‘uncertainty’ hurting medical business’
New York Times: ‘Full Results of The New York Times/Kaiser Family Foundation Poll’