Stop here for links to health care industry news from around the country.
Associated Press: ‘WellPoint Helps Investors Breathe Easy on Overhaul’
Washington Post: ‘Major Obamacare insurer backs away from double-digit rate hike prediction’
Politico: ‘Sylvia Mathews Burwell: The Obamacare war that wasn’t’
New York Times: ‘Pfizer Proposes a Marriage With AstraZeneca, Easing Taxes in a Move to Britain’
Bloomberg Businessweek: ‘Health Spending Surges as Obamacare Patients Go to the Doctor’
USA Today: ‘No Medicaid expansion could create health care gaps’
Kaiser Health News: ‘Who Really Pays For Health Care Might Surprise You’
Vox: ‘White House: More health spending means Obamacare is working’
Kaiser Health News: ‘Some Obamacare Enrollees Emboldened To Leave Jobs, Start Businesses’
Wall Street Journal: ‘Oregon to Use Technology for State Insurance Exchange’
Kaiser Health News: ‘Health Plans Scramble To Calculate 2015 Rates’