Marisa Riley
Public relations team leader
Bader Rutter
Age: 30
Hometown: Stillwater, Minnesota
Education: Bachelor’s in corporate communications from Marquette University
Previous position: Senior public relations counselor, Bader Rutter
Tell us about your new position.
“As public relations team leader, I am responsible for connecting content and strategy to tell stories on behalf of my clients in the agriculture industry. Each day brings a different challenge — annual communications planning, trade show and event execution, customer testimonial gathering, launching new products with trade media, and managing social media communities.”
What keeps you in Milwaukee?
“I came to Milwaukee to pursue a degree at Marquette University. I’ve stuck around because I fell in love with the city. It has all the flavor our neighbors Chicago and Minneapolis have to offer — food, music, festivals, history and Fortune 500 companies — but is small enough to build a really strong, supportive network.”
How can we keep recent graduates here?
“Keep them involved and/or show them around the city. This is twofold. One is finding organizations, either professional or passion-related, the other is exploring all that the city and surrounding area has to offer. Go to the NEWaukee Night Market or Doors Open Milwaukee to explore. Join a group that believes in what you do, such as Adworkers or the Boys & Girls Club, to further your profession or cause. When graduates have ties to the city, they will be less likely to leave — or more likely to come back if they do leave.”
Advice for millennials on climbing the ladder?
“Ditch the ladder. Your career is going to be more like a jungle gym. Use each step as an opportunity to build a strong foundation of time management, project management and contextual business skills you can apply to earn trust in any role you might serve. Along the way, look for companies and industries you truly believe in. Feeling like your work has meaning, no matter what level you are, is really important.”