Japanese scale maker plans move to former Rexnord plant in Grafton

A Japan-based scale manufacturer wants to move its Mequon operations to a former Rexnord Industries LLC facility in Grafton.

Yamato Scale Co. Ltd. is seeking approval to move an assembly, parts and distribution operation and 70 jobs from its Mequon facility to a building at 1272 Dakota Drive in Grafton, according to a plan of operations filed with Grafton.

Yamato Corporation and Rexnord did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

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Rexnord listed the 96,500 square-foot facility for sale after closing last year. The building was previously a Rexnord FlatTop North America facility where about 140 employees made conveyor systems. Rexnord filed a closing and layoff notice with the Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development in March 2020.

The property is listed for sale for $5.5 million.

Yamato Corporation, a subsidiary of Yamato Scale Co. Ltd., would use the facility for its light assembly and distribution operations. The company does not manufacture scales at its Mequon facility, but it does sell smaller scales like its Accuweigh scale brand, which can be found in grocery stores or restaurants around the country.

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The company also assembles depositor packaging machines and its Mequon facility and has a robust parts and service business, which includes more than $5 million in inventory.

Approximately 50 of the 300 pieces of machinery that Yamato Corporation sells in the North American and Latin American markets are shipped through its Mequon facility, according to the plan of operation.

Yamato Corporation plans to purchase the Grafton facility by the end of April with the goal of opening in August.

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