August 17, 2020

The Tremendous Potential of King Drive
Sharp criticism for Milwaukee’s investor community
COVID hits long-term care industry hard
Lifetime Achievement Award winner Valerie Daniels-Carter
2020 BizExpo Applause!
Bravo! Entrepreneur I.Q. (Innovation Quotient) awards
Lifetime Achievement Award: Valerie Daniels-Carter
Regional Spirit Award: Dr. John Raymond, Sr.
Women in Business
Woman Executive...
Help your employees face financial realities with confidence
Financial Wellness for Employees by Summit is designed so that with a single program, each of your employees can...
GPS Education Partners is on a Mission to Prepare the Next Generation Workforce
GPS Education Partners (GPSEd) is bridging the skills gap by helping students transition from the classroom to a technical...
The tremendous potential of King Drive
It was early on in Deshea Agee’s tenure as executive director of the business improvement district focused on Dr....
Bravo! IQ Award Winner: Accelerated Analytical
Accelerated Analytical
David Metzger, president and CEO
While the COVID-19 pandemic has been devasting to many businesses, it resulted in a...
Dr. Raymond helped lead Milwaukee’s business community through pandemic
At the outset of the COVID-19 outbreak, the nation turned to Dr. Anthony Fauci’s regular briefings as the National...
Patty Cadorin puts success of others before herself
Patty Cadorin is motivated by the value she provides to others, measuring her own success based on what she...
Valerie Daniels-Carter built restaurant empire, now helps other entrepreneurs
Bravo! Entrepreneur Lifetime Achievement Award winner
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Women in Business event panelists make bold moves
Being a leader in today’s world requires challenging the status quo.
That’s the perspective of a few Milwaukee women who...
COVID hits Wisconsin’s already challenged long-term care industry
About 20 long-term care facilities have closed in Wisconsin over the past 18 months, a reflection of the industry’s...
Badger Fund of Funds continues growth trajectory despite loss of Milwaukee-focused fund
When Ross Leinweber recently withdrew his efforts to raise capital for a Milwaukee-centric venture fund, he was deeply critical...
Wisconsin insurance companies restructure to innovate
Several Wisconsin-based insurance providers are restructuring their companies to remain competitive as innovative technologies bring new opportunities and disruption...