April 27, 2020

Coping with COVID-19: Businesses try to pivot during pandemic
Communication key to employee safety during pandemic
Update on the MMAC's region of choice initiative
Notable LGBTQ Executives
Getting There: Jesse M. Ehrenfeld, MD, MPH
Jesse M. Ehrenfeld, MD, MPH
Director of the Advancing a Healthier Wisconsin Endowment, senior associate dean at the Medical College...
BizTracker: April 2020
Economists at UW-Madison estimated Wisconsin’s unemployment rate was at 16.7% as of April 16.
For the four-week period from...
By the Numbers: $8.3 billion
Wisconsin businesses received more than
$8.3 billion
in loans through the Paycheck Protection Program, a part of the federal Coronavirus Aid,...
Businesses scramble for financial assistance in attempt to stay afloat during pandemic
took just two weeks for the federal government’s $349 billion Paycheck Protection Program funds (part of the CARES Act)...
So far, COVID-19 hasn’t overwhelmed southeastern Wisconsin’s hospitals
Social distancing has flattened the curve, officials say
In Focus: Cleaning to combat coronavirus
Many businesses have taken a huge hit as the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic disrupts the global and local economy. But...
Business Cares: Diversity & Inclusion
We are proud to feature 30+ companies taking a leadership role to join BizTimes as organizations committed to increasing...
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