Holiday party gift ideas


For the cigar lover… Davidoff Nicaragua Series cigars

$64 for a four-pack at Uhle’s Tobacco Co.; Milwaukee 

A smooth, medium-bodied cigar with a mix of savory yet sweet, and nutty yet fruity flavors. An appropriate choice for both the experienced and occasional cigar-smoker.

For the wine connoisseur… J brut rosé

Originally $37.95, now $22.95 at Thief Wine Shop & Bar; Milwaukee, Shorewood

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This sparkling rosé from California can be enjoyed on its own or paired with a meal. It is dry but its flavor is infused with strawberry and cherry.

For the chef… Oro di Oliva Winter Sampler

$35 at Oro di Oliva; Milwaukee, Brookfield, Wauwatosa, Whitefish Bay

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Six two-ounce bottles of Oro di Oliva’s olive oil and vinegar pairings, which includes basil olive oil and 18-year balsamic, Persian lime olive oil and pomegranate balsamic, and butter olive oil and Vermont maple balsamic.

For the Milwaukeean… The Green Glass Co. tumbler set

$16 at MKEHOME; Milwaukee

Fill these Milwaukee-themed tumblers, made from recycled glass, with any drink of choice.

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