Each year on a high mountain plateau near Craig, Colo., Craig Ogurek, 25, manager of Froedtert Hospital’s local ambulatory staff, hunts elk with his father.
They walk 10 miles a day up and down mountains, stalk elk, and sleep in a tent for a week at a time on each trip. Though Ogurek bagged an 11-point bull (a male elk) in October, the real prize of his father-son hunting trips, he said, is the view.

“There are beautiful mountain ranges,” Ogurek said. “Half of the reason we go is just because we love the mountains. It’s absolutely gorgeous. This year we went in October and there was snow on the mountain caps.”
The trips are a tradition — he and his father have gone almost every year since Ogurek was 12 years old. And his father has been making the trip for more than three decades. In fact, Ogurek was named after the Colorado town near their hunting grounds.
“When we go out, my dad and I…it’s so peaceful out there, even the walking,” he said. “Everywhere you turn it’s beautiful; it’s peaceful. It’s really easy to get away from the stresses of work or anything else going on in your life.”