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Bravo! IQ Award Winner: Approyo LLC
Approyo LLC
Chris Carter, chief executive officer
Brookfield-based Approyo LLC, an SAP software hosting and support company, has posted impressive growth...
Arandell files for Chapter 11 bankruptcy
Menomonee Falls-based printing company Arandell Holdings Inc. has filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy and is closing its Kentucky printing plant.
Ansay & Associates acquirers Brookfield-based insurance agency
Port Washington-based insurance and risk management company Ansay & Associates has acquired Brookfield-based A.G.I.S. Insurance center.
Milwaukee-based Healics sold to employees
Milwaukee-based Healics, Inc. announced it has converted to a 100% employee-owned ESOP company.
Generac expresses interest in bidding on parts of Briggs & Stratton
Waukesha-based Generac Power Systems is among the companies interested in bidding on the assets of Wauwatosa-based Briggs & Stratton Corp., according to bankruptcy court filings.
The Equitable Bank appoints new CEO, CFO
Jennifer Provancher has been promoted to chief executive officer of Wauwatosa-based The Equitable Bank, succeeding former CEO John Matter, according to a filing with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.
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Ambassador Hotel announces reopening date, plans
The Ambassador Hotel on Milwaukee’s near west side is reopening its doors this week, having been shut down for the past four months due to the COVID-19 outbreak.
Delivery company laying off 98 employees in Sussex
Georgia-based Courier Distribution Systems plans to permanently lay off 98 employees in Sussex, according to a notice sent to state officials.
Southeastern Wisconsin housing market rebounded in July
After three months of significant year-over-year sales declines for the metro Milwaukee housing market, sales improved during July for the metro area and for the southeastern Wisconsin region.
COVID-19 delayed airport’s plans for partnerships with local Black-owned businessesÂ
A new gift shop, Bronzeville Crossing, opened Tuesday at Milwaukee Mitchell International Airport as what operators consider an homage...