
Nonprofit Leader Spotlight

Rob Goodman, managing director of First Stage Children's Theater in Milwaukee

Nonprofit people in the news

Alverno elects new board members The Alverno College Board of Trustees elected three new members including Jean Maier,...

Professional Dimensions calls for nominees

Nominations are now being accepted for Professional Dimensions' 2010 Sacagawea and Pathfinder Awards.

BizTimes Milwaukee accepts nominations for Health Care Heroes Awards

Do you know someone who is making a positive difference on the front lines of health care? BizTimes Milwaukee is accepting nominations for the 2009 Health Care Heroes Awards, honoring companies, individuals and organizations for their contributions to improving health care in southeastern Wisconsin.

Easter Seals completes second merger

Easter Seals Southeast Wisconsin recently partnered with the Waukesha Training Center to merge the two agencies and bring together over a century of service experience.

MPTV keeps kids warm

Milwaukee Public Television will launch its second annual Mittens & More Drive on Monday, Oct. 19. The event will run through Friday, Oct. 30. The campaign is directed at children, but adult items are also accepted.
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Packers back college readiness event

College Readiness 21 will host its first annual UnSung Heroes Celebration on Tuesday, Nov. 3, at the Italian Community Center, 631 E. Chicago St., from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. The event will honor supporters who consistently serve some of the state's college-bound students.

LULAC forms three new councils

The League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) announced the formation of three new councils in Wisconsin

Journey House lands $1 million donation

The Burke Foundation pledged a $1 million contribution to the Journey House capital campaign

Nonprofit Resource List

Association of Fundraising Professionals Community Shares of Greater Milwaukee ...

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