
The American Society of Women Accountants Milwaukee Chapter will hold its “ASWA Student Night” on Tuesday, Feb. 24 from 6-8 p.m. at Klemmer’s Banquet Center, 10401 West Oklahoma Avenue, West Allis. The event is held to encourage networking between students and accounting and financial professionals. Raffles and auction items sold will benefit the ASWA scholarship fund. Cost is $22 for members, $24 for guests and $19 for students. For more, contact Kathy Burzynski at 262-335-0763 or


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The Wisconsin Bankers Association will present its annual "WBA Bank Executives Conference" from Monday, Feb. 9 through Wednesday, Feb. 11 at The Pfister Hotel, 424 E. Wisconsin Ave., Milwaukee. Speakers at the the three-day event include:

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  • Matthew R. Feldman, president and CEO of the Federal Home Loan Bank of Chicago,
  • Brian Westbury, chief economist of First Trust Advisors LP,
  • Lorrie Keating Heinemann, secretary of the Wisconsin Department of Financial Institutions,
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  • Tucker Carlson, senior political correspondent with MSNBC,
  • Mark Belling, afternoon drive time host on 1130 WISM Am, and
  • Raymond Davis, president and CEO of Umpqua Holdings.

For more information, visit

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