Bubbler Executive of the Week

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Arvid Tillmar, owner of Tillmar Connect LLC in Whitefish Bay

Name: Arvid R. “Dick” Tillmar

Title: owner

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Company: Tillmar Connect LLC

Company address: 5677 North Lake Drive, Whitefish Bay

Company web site:www.tillmarconnect.com

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Industry: Public Relations and Communication

Education:  B A: Bellarmine University; Advanced Management Degree from Wharton

Family:  Wife of 43 years, Mary Patricia; son Patrick and grandson Connor; and daughter Sarah and granddaughter Kyra

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Hobbies and Interests: Hunting, fishing, hiking, camping, golf, spectator sports, reading

Favorite book and/or movie: Book: WarGaming for Leaders” ghost written by Michael Ruby    

Movie: When Harry met Sally

Favorite musician/band:   all instrumentals

Favorite place to visit/vacation: visit: Chile and vacation: Ireland    

Favorite local restaurant: Lake Park Bistro

What is your core philosophy for doing business? “The best connection is the one you are with…in person….face to face. Enjoy the tone, body language and the content of the discussion. Remember why and find out why their opinion is important to them.

Who is your role model and why? “My role model, now deceased, is Patrick W. Cotter….Mr. Renaissance of the 501(c)3 world and former managing partner of what is now the Quarles and Brady law firm.  He was always there for me as surrogate dad (from 7th grade) with the underlying philosophy of “always give back, be grateful and be thankful.”

What was the funniest thing that has ever happened to you? “When my former staff convinced me that I had only thirty minutes to make a powerful business development presentation to a female executive who was in town and was “squeezing” us into her very busy schedule… I was wondering why my wife was there. The Executive was quite a dancer!”



If you or someone you know would make a good candidate for the BizTimes Bubbler Executive of the week please send suggestions to alysha.schertz@biztimes.com

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