Steve Jagler, for BizTimes Media

Steve Jagler, former BizTimes Milwaukee editor.

Cincinnati’s familiar streetcar saga

As the legal slog to develop a new streetcar system in downtown Milwaukee continues to play out in court, in City Hall and at the Wisconsin Public Service Commission, proponents and opponents alike would do well to keep an eye on Cincinnati.

YMCA blindsides community

With little or no forewarning, the YMCA of Metropolitan Milwaukee stunned the community by announcing in April that it was nearly $30 million in debt and needed a plan to restructure.

Hall has brought stability to WEDC

If asked to return for another term as secretary and chief executive officer of the Wisconsin Economic Development Corp.,...

Tear down the downtown Postal Center

In recent years, the Milwaukee Bucks have not had much to celebrate when they've conducted their annual Preview Luncheon with the Metropolitan Milwaukee Association of Commerce.

Net neutrality 101

President Barack Obama took a stand this week by calling for the Federal Communications Commission to preserve net neutrality by regulating broadband service like a utility.

Sheehy calls for regional solutions

Over the years, the Metropolitan Milwaukee Association of Commerce and its president, Tim Sheehy, have been vocal and ardent opponents of new taxes.
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Take your company to the ‘Next Stage’

Empower your people to think like entrepreneurs and serve your customers.

Suburban companies comprise ‘Fastest Five’

The Council of Small Business Executives recently unveiled its list of the “Fastest Five” companies.

Koss Corp. faces steep challenges

From this office, it's always been difficult to watch good Milwaukee people and companies endure hard times.

‘Get Smarter’ and jumpstart your career

“The Transfer of Knowledge and Power to the Next Generation” will be the theme of the 2014 BizTimes Get Smarter Talent Development Conference.

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