Nobile is a 20-year veteran of the insurance industry whose experience includes time with Rush Prudential Health Plans, Aetna, and United Healthcare. Prior to joining Anthem, Nobile served as the Director of Sales and Account Management for the Midwest region at UniCare, a health benefits company based in Chicago and owned by Anthem’s parent company and also ran UniCare’s Eastern Region with offices.
Real flu questions, real flu answers from Dr. Julie Mitchell
Only 36 percent of Wisconsinites got flu shots last year.
Not just the pros
Due to increased awareness, parents and coaches at all levels are likely now increasingly mindful of head injuries.
Free cancer resources for employers and individuals
Tools are available to support a healthy and productive experience when an employee is facing cancer.
Moms and dads: Two more back-to-school to-dos
Routine health exams can have a big payoff in the form of lower total health care costs, less time away from school, and academic success for your student.
Load up on these apps for a healthy summer
There is no one right answer when it comes to health apps. Find what works for you.
Making big data small
When good data becomes accessible, understandable and actionable, real change is possible.
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Mindfulness over matter
By focusing on the here and now, you are less likely to get caught up in worries about the future or regrets over the past.
Sleep your way to better health
Inadequate sleep can cause impaired memory and thought processes, depression, increased perception of pain and decreased immune response.
Angels sometimes take the stairs when they fly
Climb to battle lung disease on the American Lung Association Fight For Air Climb Day, March 10, 2018.