Jim Lindell
Jim Lindell, CPA, CGMA, CSP is a Vistage Chair in southeast Wisconsin and president of Thorsten Consulting Group, Inc. He is an award-winning speaker and best-selling author.
Threat or opportunity?
In 1962, Ray Bradbury wrote the famous dark fantasy novel “Something Wicked This Way Comes.”
It was about a traveling...
What’s in it for them?: How to boost employee engagement
Business owners often share similar concerns about their workforce.
For example, employers wish their employees would act as if they...
Keep an eye on the competition: Don’t let them put you out of business
“I want to put you and your company out of business.”
Advance to the next level: How to move through the stages of a company’s growth
Do you know what stage of the organization life cycle your business is currently in?
Beware of corporate espionage: Protect your company’s proprietary info
What do Bradley Manning and Edward Snowden have in common?
Do the right thing
There is a dearth of ethics in the current business culture. The National Business Ethics Survey results have shown that employees' perceptions of senior executives and supervisors declined last year.