Jerry Deschane

Time for a people policy

It is time for the economic development discussion in Wisconsin to shift. We need to move away from a “we tax too much” obsession to a conversation of “we need to attract talent.” Our future depends upon it.

It’s Sunshine Week; how about a little clarity?

During Sunshine Week, we celebrate Wisconsin's proud tradition of open government, including public and media access to government records....

A better way to fund municipal roads

Partnership is the key to economic success. Wisconsin's villages and cities invite the Wisconsin Legislature to become partners in the state's prosperity. Instead of debating whether and how the state can or should limit local government authority, the League of Wisconsin Municipalities is proposing a partnership focusing on the future.

Historic Tax Credits are good for Wisconsin

On behalf of our nearly 600-strong city and village members of the League of Wisconsin Municipalities, I applaud Gov. Scott Walker lifting the moratorium on the Historic Preservation Tax Credit on buildings certified by the State Historical Society and the National Park Service as “Historic.”

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