Elizabeth Hockerman
Beyond the smiley barn
In an era in which Main Street America is being ravaged by big-box retailers and outlying strip malls, Robert...
Bielinski project will play off Sussex’s canning history
Mammoth Springs -- the historic site of the Kewpie-brand canning operation in Sussex - is being redeveloped into retail...
Golf tourney will showcase Sheboygan area’s real estate
Sheboygan County is on the tee. When the PGA Championship golf tournament comes to the Whistling Straits Golf Course...
Long-term impact
Walworth County's biggest business expansion may also be its most long-term expansion. Kikkoman Corp. last year launched a 10-year,...
Rejuvenate your career with healthy diversions
To stay healthy, business executives occasionally need to pop up out of the bunkers of their companies and careers...
Investing in a ‘smaller’ world
You've all heard the phrases: "The world is shrinking" and "We live in a global village." While advances in...
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Merger & acquisition activity picking up
After several flat years, merger and acquisition activity in Wisconsin finally appears to be picking up steam, with several...
In search of cool
Thousands of students at public and private colleges and universities in Wisconsin have just received their diplomas, and they...
Corporate wellness
I have just completed close to 400 individual health counseling sessions in follow-up to Health Risk Appraisals at three...
New grant will fund collegiate business ethics program
The Wisconsin Foundation for Independent Colleges (WFIC) has received a $25,000 challenge grant to create a business ethics program...