Bob Chernow
Milwaukee Biz Blog: How to combat terrorism
Recent domestic and foreign terrorist incidents and the ill-informed responses of many politicians drew me to a talk I gave...
Milwaukee Biz Blog: Civil service reform is a power grab
he “reform” of Wisconsin’s civil service is a power grab, says Bob Chernow.
Immigrants: A rational view
I have a friend who has built a business that employs more than 300 workers. She is Polish-Russian. She's been here 16 years, is married and has two children.
Banking industry is on course for ‘next collapse’
Bankers have little sense of history. For most, their view of the future is myopic.
Common sense is not so common
A few weeks back I dropped into a grocery store to buy gelato for a friend who had a stroke. Irish Stout was the flavor of the day.
Unsolicited advice for Milwaukee County Executive
Some of us want you to succeed, Mr. Abele. So here is some advice, unsolicited, but sincere.
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Why fear people exercising their right to vote?
“Free, fair and accessible elections are sacrosanct, and the right of every legal voter to cast their vote must be unassailable”
- Congressman F. James Sensenbrenner (R-Menomonee Falls)
- Congressman F. James Sensenbrenner (R-Menomonee Falls)
Don’t subordinate our courts and the Constitution
Often legislation is dull and boring. Or it seems so. The gobblygook that gets through Madison is ponderous and details the detail. We as business men and women don’t think it affects us.
Job killers are hurting Wisconsin
In general, politicians don’t know how to generate jobs. Most don’t understand how businesses operate. Some mean well, but they make decisions based on their beliefs of what business want. Often they put the public’s capital to work in weak industries or use these funds to reward supporters.