Alysha Schertz

Alysha Schertz, former BizTimes Milwaukee reporter.

Accessory makes crutches safer and more comfortable

When he was a college student at the Milwaukee School of Engineering (MSOE), Jesse Daily, now a partner at Thiensville-based Core Consulting LLC, suffered an injury to his foot. The injury left him on crutches for 18 weeks.

Bravo! Lifetime Achievement Award Winner 2010: Stephen Marcus, chairman of The Marcus Corp.

Stephen Marcus, chairman of The Marcus Corp. Milwaukee-based Marcus Corp. has grown dramatically under the...

Greendale firm improves access to medical records

Theis and Associates LLC Innovation: My Crisis Records- personal health record product and service

Teuteberg moves forward after founder’s death

Just a few months after its founder passed away in a tragic drowning accident, Wauwatosa-based Teuteberg Inc. has moved to a new facility and is poised for more growth in 2010.

UWM business dean sees opportunities

Timothy Smunt grew up in the Chicago area, but spent much of his professional career in Indiana and North Carolina. In August, Smunt became the fifth dean of the Sheldon B. Lubar School of Business at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.

Patina launches CIO placement program

Brookfield-based Patina Solutions has launched its Patina CIOs program, which provides information technology (IT) assistance to large and midsize companies.

Lab company expects business surge from health care reforms

New requirements tucked into the recently passed federal health care reform bill will force more than 200,000 fast food and chain restaurants to include calorie counts on menus, menu boards and even drive through windows.

More mobile options for business

During the last year, mobile technology has expanded business capabilities to unprecedented levels. Now, two new mobile applications are giving users the ability to make calls and conduct business outside of their traditional mobile plans for free or for a fraction of the cost.
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Author says innovation is key to busines survival

Michael Dalton, the founder of Racine-based Guided Innovation Group, is on a mission to help companies turn new product innovation into bottom line impact.

Crowd funding helps businesses raise capital

The Internet and the expansion of social media sites have expanded the reach of entrepreneurs and opened the doors to a new business financial option known as crowd funding.

Beyond Price: Maintain company values

Failure to survive The Great Recession was not an option for Balistreri-owned and operated Sendik's Food Markets.

Service helps eliminate employee Internet distractions

With March Madness (the NCAA men's basketball tournament) nearing its completion, some companies may look at sagging productivity reports for the month of March.

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