Wisconsin politicos weigh in on death of bin Laden

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Wisconsin political leaders today issued statements regarding the news that a team of U.S. Navy Seals killed terrorist Osama bin Laden.


U.S. Sen. Herb Kohl (D-Wis.):
“We have dealt a big blow to al Qaeda, limiting their ability to cause us any damage in the future. We should be proud that we have brought an evil man to justice.”

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U.S. Sen. Senator Ron Johnson (R-Wis.):
"Justice has finally been delivered to Osama bin Laden. Let us hope and pray that the evil this man spread will begin to fade now that his life and influence have ended. We owe a huge debt of gratitude to America’s finest who carried out the successful operation and to all of those who have sacrificed to preserve our freedom."

U.S. Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Janesville):
"The President’s announcement that Osama Bin Laden has been found and killed is simply fantastic news. After ten years of dedicated effort across two administrations, we have struck a major blow against al-Qaeda and achieved a momentous turning point in our nation’s ongoing War on Terrorism. While we must remain vigilant in defense of freedom and democracy in Iraq, in Afghanistan, and on other fronts, we can rest assured that the murderer who orchestrated the deaths of thousands of our countrymen has finally met justice at the hands of the brave men and women of our military and intelligence community."

U.S. Rep. Gwen Moore (D-Milwaukee):
“I applaud our military, our President, and his national security team for ridding the world of the dark presence of Osama bin Laden. He has held the world captive, and his death ends a tragic chapter in a horror story where extremists target innocent civilians with murder, mayhem and fear. Bin Laden’s death brings a sense of relief to the families who lost loved ones on 9/11 and indeed every American. Our global partners and allies and peoples all over the world – regardless of race, creed, color, country, or religion – stand vigilant and unified with us today to rebuke this extremism and break free from the bondage of fear.”

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U.S. Rep. Ron Kind (D-La Crosse):
“The world is a better place today without Osama Bin Laden. My thoughts and prayers are with the victims and families of the attacks of September 11th. Hopefully with his death they and our nation will feel a small amount of closure in regards to the terrorist attacks upon us. Also, congratulations and thank you to the military members and intelligence personnel who were involved in this important operation. Hopefully this sends a signal to the other perpetrators of the 9/11 attacks that there is no place too remote or no cave too dark to find them and bring them to justice.”

U.S. Rep. Thomas Petri (R-Fond du Lac)
"The death of bin Laden is a triumph for the U.S. military and intelligence services. I congratulate them and President Obama for dealing with this mass murderer after locating him near Pakistan’s capital, under the nose of Pakistan’s army.”

State Assembly Majority Leader Scott Suder (R-Abbotsford):
“For almost ten years, our brave service men and women have hunted a ruthless and gutless killer. Today, I thank and congratulate the members of our Armed Services who I was blessed enough to serve with as we fought to bring Osama Bin Laden to justice.  God Bless America, and all of those who serve in lands both near and far.”

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